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CDC-TV presents: The Eagle Book Series A young Indian boy named Rain That Dances lived in a small Indian village. The village was near the foot of a high mountain. The big city was not too far away. Rain That Dances was a happy little boy. He liked to play with his friends. He also liked to sing and dance with the men in the village. On this beautiful day with the sky so blue, Rain That Dances was fishing along a small stream. As he waited for the fish to bite, he saw a great Bald Eagle. The eagle was resting on an old tree stump not far from where he sat. Rain That Dances had never seen a great bird like this so close. Now eagles always fly away when a person comes too close, but for some reason, this great bird just stayed where he was as Rain That Dances approached him. Rain That Dances thought maybe the eagle was hurt and couldn't fly away. But as he got closer, he saw the bird was not hurt at all. Rain: Mr. Eagle, what is wrong with you? Mr. Eagle: You're right, it still looks beautiful. The great bird paused as he thought about the stories the Old Wise Eagle used to tell about the things he saw as he flew around. Things had changed. As I soar high above the clouds, I see the beauty of the world around me. I see the high peaks of the mountains. I see the valleys below, where the waters flow in the rivers. I have seen Brother Sun greet each morning of a new day with sunlight. I have seen him say goodnight as Sister Moon comes to light up the dark sky. The Old Wise Eagle told me stories about the things he saw with each new day. He saw the Bear, the Buffalo, and the Deer, and he saw your people being very active. Those days were hard, but your people all worked together and shared everything. Hard work and being active was a way of life for everyone. The men worked hard to take care of everyone in the village. They had strong, healthy bodies. They used to hunt for buffalo and deer, for this was food for the village. The women worked hard, taking care of their families. They planted seeds in Mother Earth to grow the foods that kept their families healthy and strong. The children helped with the chores, but they also played with each other. Rain: Why does that make you sad? Mr. Eagle: I am sad because this makes people get sick. They are not as healthy as they can be. Many of your elders are now sick with a disease they call diabetes. And the young children will get it, too, unless they make changes in their lives. Rain That Dances was quiet for a few minutes as he thought about the people in the village. He thought of the elders who could no longer see the beauty around them because their eyes could not see. He thought about the people who were sick. He also thought of the people who could no longer walk, but used wheelchairs to get around.
He had never thought of these things before, but now knew the eagle was right. Rain: You do have reasons to be sad. Now, I am sad, too. What can I do to help my people be strong and healthy again? Mr. Eagle: I had a dream last night about this very thing. At this, Rain That Dances was suddenly excited again. He jumped up with a big smile on his face. Rain: What can I tell them? Mr. Eagle: There is much to tell. You can let your people know that there are things they can do now. They can be healthy and will not have to get diabetes. Going back to some of their traditions, such as the foods their ancestors used to eat, becoming active once again, and passing those traditions on to their children are important. In my vision, your people hold the answers; they just have to think back. Now, it's getting late and you need to get home. If you come back tomorrow, I will be here. I will tell you more of what your people can do to be healthy and strong again. Rain That Dances left the eagle. He will come back the next day. He knew what the eagle was telling him was true. He had seen his people get sick with this disease. Now, he has a chance to learn what his people can do to be healthy again. He also has a new friend, the great Bald Eagle. Rain That Dances waved goodbye to the eagle and as he walked away, he said -- Rain: Tomorrow is a new day. I'll see you tomorrow, and I'll bring my best friend with me. Mr. Eagle: To hear more of what I have to say, please join me, along with Rain That Dances, in “Knees Lifted High.” |
這是美國疾病管制局(CDC)為美國小學生所作的The Eagle Book Series系列公益影片之一Through the Eyes of the Eagle,對於初學英文者是一個非常好的學習資料。不但可以練習基礎的聽和說 ;也可練習你的閱讀和作文能力。 (英文程度相當於我們的國中、英檢中級...) 若你想要先作一下聽力測驗(Listening Test)請按這裡
初學英文的人會覺得句句吃力、看後段、忘前段,這是正常的。本單元的單字、會話和文法結構都是學英文一定要懂的基礎。希望讀者要一字一句先看懂,不懂的就查字典、翻文法書,再跟著影片練習著說,英文就是這樣學來的。(若你/妳仍有不懂的地方歡迎在論壇中提出問題) 混淆文法提示: A young Indian boy named Rain That Dances lived in a small Indian village. * 一個句子只能有一個動詞; named不是當作動詞使用,是當作動狀詞使用的過去分詞; named Rain That Dances是分詞片語用來修飾名詞boy(請參見文法書p.142)
文字稿中的老鷹、太陽、月亮的代名詞都不用動植物的第三人稱it,而是用人的he, she...;這是擬人化的用法(p.213) I have seen him say goodnight as Sister Moon comes to light up the dark sky. * 由於see是知覺動詞,所以後面的不定詞 (to) say 要省略 to (p.136) Hard work and being active was a way of life for everyone. * 本句複合主詞(p.59)Hard work and being active並不是二件不同的事務,而是指一種生活方式,所以要用單數動詞,本句是過去式,所以用was而不是were
請進入The Eagle Book Series之二Knees Lifted High
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